After nearly five months of practices, preparations, and rehearsals, Oak Ridge and Glen Oaks students finally had the chance to perform Shrek the Musical Jr. for multiple audiences on May 10 and 11. From early morning practices to after school rehearsals, these students and the staff members who coordinated the production put in numerous hours of effort that certainly did not go unnoticed. The first performance of the musical was on the morning of Wednesday, May 10, for the 4th and 5th grade students of Glen Oaks to enjoy. A quick turnaround had the cast and crew performing a second time that afternoon for the 4th and 5th grade students of Oak Ridge. A final evening performance on Thursday, May 11, capped off the months of hard work. Over 400 spectators attended the evening performance, family members included. Each audience was delighted by the costumes, lights, audio, props, sets, and hilarity provided by the show. The talent these students have is extraordinary. We are so proud of everyone who worked on the production and wish to thank them for their time and dedication in making this such an impressive experience for everyone. Special thanks goes to Mrs. Kowal-Swiech, Mr. Gesiakowski, and Ms. Garus from Oak Ridge, Mrs. Levora, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Ventura, and Mrs. Baroudos from Glen Oaks, and Mr. Zinke from Sorrick and Dorn for their amazing efforts in bringing Shrek the Musical Jr. to life! Please enjoy the photos of the performances!