Boo! Oak Ridge Celebrates the End of October

Oak Ridge Mustangs celebrated the end of October with a slew of fun events. First was the PTA’s Trunk-or-Treat on Friday, October 27. Lots of staff and families decorated their vehicle trunks and passed out candy to trick-or-treaters. We loved seeing all of the creativity in the trunks! Next up was the annual Howl Through the Hills 5K race on Saturday, October 28. The Oak Ridge Running Club members showed up strong, and many students and staff members even placed in the competition! Congratulations! Capping things off was the Mustang Mash and Fall Parties on Tuesday, October 31. Students enjoyed some Fall and Halloween fun including a parade of costumes and classroom parties. Thank you to everyone who helped make these events possible and to everyone who attended! Please enjoy the photos of all the fun!